When I was 18 I gained the right to vote - so I started thinking about politics and asking which team I should be on, who exactly should I vote for, and whom should I trust to represent me on this earth?
So I did some research and was drawn to the right. For a while I stopped there. Then as I grew up, I dug deeper and saw the political compass and thought about other aspects of political philosophies. I came to the conclusion that
Politics is where Ideas Meet Realities
I wrote a paper pro-Communism, as if it was a valid proposition. That was my first mistake. I learned from the Gulag Archipelago that its really hard to implement ideas in the real world in the same spirit the idea is put forth. So many laws go sideways and have unintended consequences as they are worked out. I came to the conclusion that
An idea is really bad when it can never or has never been worked out like the ideas indicated it would be.
Such is totalitarianism, and collectivism. So I began to include this aspect in what I voted for - that is "which of these ideas is able to be practically worked out?" That is to pose, which of these ideas, when we try and implement it, will put us all in a better place than where we started?
But that is all just a path to my main point I want to make here - that is, this is all a rabbit hole if you are a Christian. If you are a Christian, then your main concern should be spreading the gospel, holding to truth and walking in truth. You should also know that this all gets burned down in the end. But that is all still beside the point -
Christians, knowing this is all temporary, shouldn’t really get caught up in all the politics and political leaders and icons and infighting. Its not the Left against the right -
Thats a smoke show that Satan wants you to buy in so you don’t see the real battle at play here. And its becoming more and more apparent every day now. People are even starting to say that this isn’t left vs. right, this is right vs. wrong. People on the left and right are saying that this is good vs. evil. Its becoming more and more heated - but even as Christians we should be above even that battle. For we battle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers, the principalities of the air, the evil demons which go about all over the earth, seeking whom they might distract from the fight with Fox News Daily Shows.
Should you build a bunker so you can survive through the coming zombie apocalypse? Or Armageddon?
Probably not - unless God is calling you to preach to the undead or to the dead in Spirit who might be saved after the rapture. Because if your mission in life is to love others and spread the gospel, then if there is an apocalypse, you won’t have the people to spread it to anymore. Your mission only extends so far - its why Jesus doesn’t tell the disciples how to survive the apocalypse. No, He tells them how to recognize the coming of the Day of the Lord. The only people trying to survive the apocalypse should be those who don’t follow Jesus. Should you be keeping up with the latest in political volley’s? Failed efforts, atrocious laws, daily put-downs and back stabbing? No, there are more pressing matters to attend to - spreading the gospel. All that stuff is white noise. Now God may give you a mission in life that has a political aspect to it. I’ve met crusaders for the unborn whom God shaped to be that way. It was their purpose in life. Some people God is calling to battle that way. But He’s not in the business of calling people to be political armchair quarterbacks and tweet-heads. There’s no honor in that.
But there is honor in waging a WAR. I've had preachers tell me that they don't want to "Get political." Maybe God's not calling them to that, and thats OK. But maybe thats just an excuse for you to ignore God's calling you to a battle you are to fight!
The enemy is mixing politics and religion and getting people all riled up and making changes. Any Muslim Imam with an inkling to do so gets a loudspeaker and blasts his message for all to hear.
I don't speak against a Christian pastor who would mix politics and religion. As long as they are preaching the truth in love, its infinitely tolerable. Not only tolerable, but I should support them as well. That is what America's freedoms are founded on - Christians who put into action what the Bible says. We sure could use some Christian patriots right about now to set this country right again.
First the Christian Patriots stopped speaking out. Then they took God out of the schools. Then there was no reason for Children to have morals or listen to their parents and teachers. Then they stopped disciplining the kids for doing things that were immoral. Then they started encouraging the kids to do immoral things. Then they mandated that we all applaud immorality.
Thats where we are now. What comes next?
1. Christian pastors could start speaking up again
2. We can see where an upside down morality leads us. Picture a Transgender version of Sharia Law mixed with Cannibalism and Human Sacrifices.
Nevermind. Just picture Hell.
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