The problem with men is that they lust after women. As it turns out, it is also the same problem with women. The Bible informs us that we were born into sin, with a sinful nature of Adam, and that everyone has sinned. When I was in 10th grade, Mr. Bardos posed my History class a question of the ages that was much debated in literature by Adam Smith and Rousseau as well - “Are people basically good or basically evil?” They argued that people are basically good and have innate compassion. When that came up in class, I raised my hand because I disagreed with all the other answers that were halfheartedly being given. I said, “People are basically evil!” And I was thrown by the follow-up question - on the verge of losing face and not having a good answer. So I just told the truth - dejectedly and sheepishly - because I know the extent of the evil in my heart, and I know there’s no way I’m alone in that. And it was true - my life flashed before my eyes and I searched for this answer to his question - a life that had every evil thought imaginable. All those evil thoughts were mine - I came up with them.
While it is true that people are typically (97%) born with compassion, people are still basically evil. To say otherwise is to underestimate and diminish the evil that people do - which is only a fraction of the evil which people think.
Our evil nature is socialized
out of us - if we are blessed by God with a society that does that.
So what is the difference between culture and barbarism? It is the barbarians that don’t socialize the evil nature into a good one.
There are two kinds of societies - those that civilized their subjects actions and those that civilize their subjects hearts.
Societies that civilize their subjects hearts: Those based upon Judaism and Christianity. I call these High Societies.
Societies that civilize their subjects actions: Every other society. Greeks, Romans, Buddhists, Goths, Huns, Franks, Turks, Muslims, Egyptians, Aztecs. I call these Low Societies.
Christ came to establish the everlasting abundance of High Societies on the earth. Jews that still to this day don’t believe Jesus was the son of God fail to see and/or acknowledge this Kingdom. He did fulfill the prophecy of throning the hearts of the children towards their fathers - civilizing of the heart.
I think this kind of language is really important because it helps us to understand what we are dealing with in today’s world. In most countries today, we have a mixture of High Society and Low Society people living in a Low Society government or a mixture of High/Low Society.
For example, in America we have a lot of rules and the rules are codified and based upon a civilized heart. However we recently (1960 onward) stopped expecting the people’s hearts to be civilized, proofs of which are:
- Removing the Ten Commandments from school
- Removing God from the classroom
- Allowing people to swear on a book other than the Bible
- Electing leaders that are blatantly non-Christian
- Legalizing the murder of the pre-born
- Legalizing sodomy
- Promoting transgender ideology
Its interesting on where American society has drawn the line in this hybrid high/low society. It is still frowned upon to engage in or have pictures of sexual activity with minors and to touch women without their written consent. Also to commit murder of people of color and to engage in sexual activity in public. These are the last bastions of American High-Society.
This language is important because people in general just don’t get that once these bastions are eroded we will all be in a low-society and that is just a hairs-breadth from become slaves to the totalitarian one-world order dictatorship. On one hand we all expect “them” to figure out the world’s problems. Yet we whine and complain that “they” are the “one-percent” and rule the globe in a shadow government without our consent. We expect the rich to fix everything without making decisions on our behalf.
Well, thats just stupid and it can’t happen. However what will happen is that things will get bad enough we will let up on the requirement that you must garner consent of the governed and we will just want things “fixed”. Which in turn means we will give up all our power and authority and autonomy in exchange for a low society that appears to function like our hybrid society used to.
In this new-low society (subterranean society) - those last bastions of High-society will be bulldozed into the ground, and the new taboo activities will become: Worshipping a Christian God, not worshipping the evils of homosexuality and transgender ideologies, not being racist against caucasians, believing in individual freedom and the nuclear family with a mother and father who are biologically female and male respectively, standing up against abortion and what we currently call sexual abuse of minors.
It will be an anti-society built for an anti-christ.
We are so spoiled; it hit me one morning after I spent a night with four coworkers who I thought I knew well. When we were alone in a hotel room and had a little alcohol they began to share their private opinions of the ladies we worked with and I was shocked that these professional men were so - base. So primitive and evil in every thought. But after some time I began to understand why, and it is because I used to be like that. When I was a child, I had those thoughts too. It was only through prayer and repentance that I was able to stop looking lustfully at every girl and to become a high-society man who’s heart actually reflected his actions and deeds. I became someone who didn’t compare women’s bodies because I didn’t do that in my mind.
But most women and other high-society men have no clue of the barbarians that walk among us. We see videos of these barbarians on the internet and we feign abhorrence when we see an illegal immigrant accost or try to rape a woman. When we see a Muslim marry an underage girl or rape and murder thousands of Israeli’s. But we forget one important fact: There, but for the grace of God, go I. We thoroughly and utterly forget it! We should get TBFTGOGGI tattoo’s to help us remember.
There are barbarians - not just at the gates, but among us. They are invisible to us until we see the fruits of their hearts - and even then some of us our so corrupt that we don’t even recognize the barbarians. For example, people have ignored the evil actions of likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Sam Bankman-fried, Andrew Tate, Ravi Zacharias, Bikram Choudhury, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Oprah, Tom Cruise, etc. etc. etc.
Can you imagine a zombie movie where the zombies are indistinguishable from the normal people? That would be the scariest zombie movie of all. And that is where we are now. You can no longer trust your priest, judge, leader, boss, immigrant, or childcare worker. They are all waiting to bite you - or your children or whomever is closest to you. And by molesting them, they are also likely to turn them into someone who is more messed up than they are.
So what is one high society man to do?
Two options: 1. Fight back this tide of zombies in word and deed and re-establish a high-society
2. Give up, give in, whatever - bury and protect what you cherish and kiss it goodbye when you die because it will be no more. Perhaps there aren’t enough of us left to make the case for high-society and even our best effort will be in vain. But I think we are unstoppable by anyone but God Himself - and that we will only lose when we are raptured - taken out of this world by God.
In that day, there will be only low-societies and then within three years there will be a one-world government dictatorship ruling hordes of zombie-slaves.
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