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Monday, January 30, 2012
Bully Fighting 101, session II
Session II class reading material:
What is bullying? At first glance, many people might think this behavior is easy to define. Their first image of bullying might be of a physically intimidating boy beating up a smaller classmate. While that can still be considered bullying today, parents need to know that bullying behaviors can be much more complex and varied than that typical stereotype. For example, harmful bullying can also occur quietly and covertly, through gossip or on the Internet, causing emotional damage. Let’s consider a few definitions of bullying.
Although definitions of bullying vary, most agree that an act is defined as bullying when:
The behavior hurts or harms another person physically or emotionally. Bullying can be very overt, such as fighting, hitting or name calling, or it can be covert, such as gossiping or leaving someone out on purpose.
It is intentional, meaning the act is done willfully, knowingly and with deliberation.
The targets have difficulty stopping the behavior directed at them and struggle to defend themselves.
Bullying can be circumstantial or chronic. It might be the result of a situation, such as being the new student at school, or it might be behavior that has been directed at the individual for a long period of time.
Defining “Harassment” Including Harassment based on Disability
The OCR (Office for Civil Rights) and DOJ (Department of Justice) has made the distinction between bullying and harassment in that when the behaviors listed below are directed at a protected class; including:
• race
• color
• national origin
• sex
• disability
• religion
the behavior then becomes “harassment”.
The behaviors include:
Unwelcome conduct such as: Verbal abuse, such as name-calling, epithets, slurs
Graphic or written statements
Physical assault
Other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating.
Students have protection under federal laws.
Know the Laws
Many states have laws that address bullying. The content of each law varies considerably.
Texas Bullying/Harassment
Education Code 37.001 requires a districts code of conduct to prohibit bullying, harassment and making hit lists (2001).
Education Code 37.083 (1995) requires districts to adopt a discipline management program that includes the prevention of and education concerning unwanted physical or verbal aggression, sexual harassment and other forms of bullying in school, on school grounds, and in school vehicles.
Education Code 37.083 (1995) allows schools to develop and implement a sexual harassment policy.
Education Code 37.0831 (2007) requires each school district to adopt and implement a dating violence policy. The policy must include a definition of dating violence that includes the intentional use of physical, sexual, verbal or emotional abuse by a person to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control another person in a dating relationship. It also must address safety planning, enforcement of protective orders, school-based alternatives to protective orders, training for staff, counseling and awareness education for students and parents.
Education Code 25.0342 (2005) allows a parent or another person with authority to act on behalf of a student who is a victim of bullying (as defined in the code). The parent or person with authority may request to the board of trustees of a school district or the boards designee the transfer of a victim of bullying to another classroom at the campus, a different campus in the school district.
Education Code 37.123 (1995) prohibits disruptive activities on public or private school property, a Class B misdemeanor, which includes obstructing the passage of persons in a school building, with or without the use or threat of use of violence.
Education Code 37.124 (1995) prohibits the disruption of classes, including preventing or attempting to prevent a student from attending class or a required school activity on or within 500 feet of school property. Violation of this policy is a Class C misdemeanor.
Cyber Bullying
No state policy.
Education Code 37.152 (1995) prohibits the act, the encouragement, direction, or aiding, and the reckless permitting of hazing. If any of these lead to serious bodily injury, the offenders are guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. If no serious injury occurs, the offenders are guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. If death results from the hazing, the offenders are guilty of a state jail felony. Also, if one has firsthand knowledge of the planning or occurrence of a hazing incident and fails to report it in writing to the appropriate school official, they are guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
Education Code 37.153 (1995) prohibits organizations from condoning, encouraging, or having its members participate or assist in hazing activities. Violation of this policy is a misdemeanor offense, punishable with fines between $5,000 and $10,000. If the hazing resulted in personal injury, property damage, or other loss, a fine of at least $5,000 and up to double the amount lost or expense incurred due to injury or loss is to be assessed.
Source: National Association of State Boards of Education
Last Updated: 10/1/2010Session II.
Session II, Student Notes
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. What Civil Rights Americans have
4. Legal ways to protect those rights
5. Illegal ways to protect those rights.
2. Definitions
1. Bullying:
2. Innocent:
3. Illegal:
4. Civil Rights:
3. Legal ways to stop bullying
1. If you think someone is being bullied:
2. Is a Unavaliable?,
3. If yes, then:
4. If No, tell the parent or guardian:
5. If you are unable to do the above because you feel physically threatened, then:
6. If you can not get away from the bullies and you still feel threatened, then:
4. Illegal ways to stop bullying.
1. Write down three examples of illegal ways to stop bullying.
Session II Teacher notes
1. Introduction (Read by professor): I want you to know that it is a good desire that God has placed in your heart to protect the innocent and those being bullied. First, you have to understand the difference between right and wrong. Do you know what defines the difference between right and wrong? Yes, it is God, and His word, He is the one that tells us what is right and what is wrong. First, we have to acknowledge God. He is the one who give us the authority to protect the innocent. He decides who is innocent and who is not.
So, we touched on a few key words which we will need to define before we have a meaningful discussion utilizing them.
2. Definitions (Students notebook should look like this when done).
1. Bullying:
1: to treat abusively
2: to affect by means of force or coercion
2. Innocent: 1. free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children.
2. free from legal or specific wrong; guiltless: innocent of the crime.
3. Illegal: not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit; also: not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)
4. Civil Rights: the nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially: the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress, Amendment 14, the part that relates to bullying states:
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
3. Legal ways to stop bullying
1. If you think someone is being bullied: ask them if they are being bullied
2. Is a parent or guardian Unavaliable?,
3. If yes, then: take the victim away from the bully to someplace safe.
4. If No, tell the parent or guardian: that you think someone is bullying, and why you think that.
5. If you are unable to do the above because you feel physically threatened, then: Leave and call for help with the bullies.
6. If you can not get away from the bullies and you still feel threatened, then: then defend yourself. The rule of thumb is to use appropriate force, enough to keep yourself from being harmed and in proportion to the force being used against you.
4. Illegal ways to stop bullying.
1. A man comes up to you and picks on your sister, calling her fat. You shoot him with a gun. (This is wrong because you have used improper force. Assuming a parent or guardian of your sister was unavailable, you still should have taken her away from the bully to someplace safe).
2. You and your sisters are on a public play structure. A boy tries to use a section of a play structure that your sister is using. You think he might pick on her because he is brown and you think brown people are mean. You block him access to the play structure. (This is wrong because you have denied someone access to a public place based only upon their race. It is called racism, and also you are being a bully by not letting them into a place they have a right to be in)
3. You see a boy being teased by some older kids who have taken his hat and are taunting him by holding it over his head. You ask him if he is being bullied and he says he is. You ask him to point out his parents and he points to them. The older kids then confront you and block your way to the boy’s parents. The older kids then take your hat and tease you with you while the boy takes his hat and goes away. You let them tease you because you have “saved” the boy by taking his place. (This is wrong because you have become the victim and you have not followed the steps to stop bullying. You should have gone to a parent or guardian as soon as possible.)
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